Harvey's Endowment
Why Give?
A gift to Harvey's endowment supports the long-term financial health of our school, providing a permanent source of income, which funds essential programs and innovations.
How Do I Give?
There are several ways to give to Harvey's endowment.
- Make an Unrestricted Donation.
- Make a Restricted Endowment gift (must be board-approved).
- Arrange a Planned Gift (bequest).
Where Does My Gift Go?
Gifts to Harvey's endowment are invested, generating income used to fund programs and operations. Your contribution exists within Harvey's endowment in perpetuity; the principal gift is never spent.
If you'd like to talk to someone about making a gift to Harvey's endowment, please contact Director of Development Sarah Parker at sparker@harveyschool.org or call 914-232-3161, ext. 111.