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Harvey's Endowment

Why Give?

A gift to Harvey's endowment supports the long-term financial health of our school, providing a permanent source of income, which funds essential programs and innovations.

Happy smiling students on the quad

How Do I Give?

There are several ways to give to Harvey's endowment.

  • Make an Unrestricted Donation.
  • Make a Restricted Endowment gift (must be board-approved).
  • Arrange a Planned Gift (bequest).
MS student laughing in class

Where Does My Gift Go?

Gifts to Harvey's endowment are invested, generating income used to fund programs and operations. Your contribution exists within Harvey's endowment in perpetuity; the principal gift is never spent.


If you'd like to talk to someone about making a gift to Harvey's endowment, please contact Director of Development Sarah Parker at or call 914-232-3161, ext. 111.