* Required

Skater Information


Coach's Information

Ice Time Dates & Times

Weekday 2023-2024 Rates 
  • 0.5 hours: $12 
  • 1.0 hour:   $18
  • 1.5 hours: $24
  • 2.0 hours  $30
  • 2.5 hours  $36 
  • 3.0 hours  $42
  • 3.5 hours  $48   
(These prices include a $2 discount for prepayment)
Reservations must be made by 9:00 am of that day.  Saturdays must be made by Friday 9:00 am. 

April 1 - April 6

April 8 - April 13

April 15 - April 20

April 22 - April 27

April 29 - May 4

Accident/Liability Release

By checking the box and submitting this form, I, as parent/guardian or adult skater, release The Harvey School, The Harvey School Rink and its staff from all claims, actions, causes of actions, damages to or by the submitting person for loss or injury resulting directly from the participation of such person in this program. I have read this release and understand this is a full release including expressly any claims of negligence for injury and damages at The Harvey School Rink.