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US Shark Tank winner

For the second year, Upper School student entrepreneurs have brought their business ideas to Harvey’s Shark Tank to vie for the best entrepreneurial idea of the year in front of a packed audience of students, faculty, and staff. This year’s students are all part of Ms. Falcon’s economics class, and over the past month, they have created a paper prototype, logo, slogan, business plan, commercial, and elevator pitch, all in the hopes of convincing the “sharks” that their business will succeed.

Our “sharks” are Harvey’s AP Macroeconomics students who have read through the business plans and will be asking themselves, will others buy this? What will create the most attention in a competitive market? After each elevator pitch and commercial, the sharks then posed questions to each entrepreneur to learn more about their business plan to decide the best innovation of the 2024 Harvey Shark Tank.

This year’s entrepreneurs offered a wide range of goods and services for consideration with the The Sharks voting for Raizy Akrongold '24 with Dripped custom-designed phone cases as the best innovation of 2024. Congratulations to Raizy and all our entrepreneurs. Read about all their proposed business plans below:

Lance Goodnow '24 proposed Hearty Hands, “focusing on helping individuals in our country who cannot afford food and suffer from hunger as a result,” Lance said. “We will take extra meat, dairy, and produce from schools and restaurants or wealthy communities, and bring it to the people in underprivileged communities,” he said. His company would also accept donations.

Tinsley Valenti '25 offered The Tough Love Planner to combat “laziness and procrastination” and cites cell phones as only adding to this problem, “so it’s time to lock your phone, to lock in with the Tough Love Planner,” Tinsley said. The planner keeps track of your work schedule to improve your work ethic, locking your phone at various times to keep you moving forward with your daily activities rather than being distracted by your phone and the various forms of entertainment found there.

Ryan Byrne '25 suggested a way to keep public bathrooms cleaner with Toilet Target, bringing “motion detective technology to the restroom experience but not in the way it’s been used before.” A real-time bullseye inside the toilet will tell users “when they’ve hit the target or missed the bowl,” Ryan said, adding that this will make using a public restroom a much more pleasant experience.

Max Hernandez '25 presented Rolla Fitness and specifically a new squat rack - “a game-changer in weightlifting technology.” Max said, “This revolutionary squat rack does more than just assist you in lifting. It takes care of loading and unloading weights with an automated weight adjustment system. Simply put in your desired weight and work a program,” he said.

Blake Friedman '24 designed the Hallway Safety Mirror to prevent unnecessary collisions in hallways and around the home. With his prototype in hand, Blake explained that the mirror is designed by 3D printing, uses no screws, and can be adhered to the wall. “With 3D printing, production can all be done inhouse,” said Blake.

Luke McCarthy '24 offered a solution to folding all those mountains of clothes with the Fold-A-Matic. Setting the scene of walking into a laundry room with mounds of clothes to fold, Luke said, “Having more important things to do and yet I’m stuck there folding clothes,” led to his invention to do the folding for you!

Gavin Kothari '25 is going electric with The Power Trailer powered by 10,000 batteries to get from Mexico City to Anchorage, Alaska, and back on one single charge. The truck would also be outfitted with solar panels to recharge the truck while on the go.

Raizy Akrongold '24 presented her bejeweled cellphone cases with her company Dripped. “America is always seeking style where there is none, and the design industry is constantly on the look for the next big thing,” Raizy said. “Most phone cases are dull, boring,” she said. “Dripped makes custom designed phone cases that give your phone identity, and reflect your dreams and desires.”

Shark Tank winner

Raizy with her business Dripped at Senior Expo, which was also her Independent Learning Project 

US Shark Tank

All our entrepreneurs in this year's Harvey Shark Tank