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Harvey News

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Congratulations to Harvey young alum Harry Solomon '14 for receiving the honor of "EMT of the Year" July 8 for his work with the Katonah-Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Harry achieved this award while completing his senior year at American University, volunteering during the summer and on school breaks.

First Lieutenant of the ambulance corps and Harvey faculty member Lesley Boltz had the honor of presenting Harry with his award. "Harry made a huge impact on countless patients' lives," said Ms. Boltz. "The honor is well deserved."

It was also good to see Christian Artuso '14 at the award ceremony, there to support his friend, Harry. Christian will be finishing his senior year at St. Bonaventure.

Ms. Boltz with Harry Solomon '14 holding his award.


Great to see Harvey young alums Christian Artuso '14 and Harry Solomon '14 with Ms. Boltz.